On 1/30/2013 11:48 AM, adityab wrote:
thanks Shawn,
We use Master-Slave architecture in Prod and planning to continue even with
Our indexing usually happens on Master. and we about 10K docs every 2hrs and
then perform commit.
Our full re-index is only when we have schema change. So we dont use auto

Is there a way to turn off the "tlog", or when/what action recycles this

The autoCommit settings that I have described will recycle the transaction logs without changing ANYTHING about how you index. The resulting tlogs will be small, and there will not be very many of them. That would be the first thing to try, and it should solve things for you completely. You do need to have a _version_ field defined in your schema, but you probably already know that.

  <field name="_version_" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true"/>

Removing the "updateLog" config from your updateHandler definition will turn off transaction logs entirely. Because you have already switched to MMapDirectoryFactory, this should be safe - but I would recommend the autoCommit changes instead.


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