On 2/3/2013 1:07 PM, Marcin Rzewucki wrote:
I'm loading in batches. 10 threads are reading json files and load to Solr
by sending POST request (from couple of dozens to couple of hundreds docs
in 1 request). I had 1MB post request size, but when I changed it to 10MB
errors disappeared. I guess this could be the reason.

I thought SOLR-4265 changed the whole way that Solr interacts with Jetty and set the max form size to 2MB within Solr. My reading says that you can now control the max POST size within solrconfig.xml - look for formdataUploadLimitInKB within the example solrconfig.

I'm curious as to exactly how you changed the max size in jetty.xml. The typical way that you set maxFormContentSize is broken, but jetty 8.1.9 will fix that. Jetty 8.1.8 is what is currently included with Solr 4.1. See the following Jetty bug:



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