Hi everybody

  Please, I need to know if anybody has done similar something.
I have to developed a notification when commit event hapened on Solr server, but I have to know updated records for creating correctly the notification. Develop java class extends of AbstractSolrEventListener, I don't see how to get updated data associated to commit event.

Thanks for help

El 31/01/2013 9:32, Miguel escribió:

After to study apache solr documentation, I think only way to know update records (modify, delete an insert actions) is developed a class extends org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrUpdateServlet. In this class, I can access updated record information go into Apache solr server.

Somebody can confirm me, that this way is the best way? or is there any options?


El 30/01/2013 13:39, Miguel escribió:


I have to developed a function that must comunicate with webservice and
this function must execute after each time commits.
My doubt;
it's possible get that records had been updated on solr index?
My function must send information about add, updated and delete records
from solr index to external webservice, and this information must be
send after commit event.

I have read wiki apache solr and it seems the best way is create
listener with event=postCommit, but I have seen example
"solr.RunExecutableListener" and I don't see how to know records
associated to commit event.

Example Solrconfig.xml:

<!-- A postCommit event is fired after every commit
     <listener event="postCommit" class="solr.RunExecutableListener">


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