
I upgraded today from a 4.1 nightly build to the 4.1 realease.
Now I noticed that the naming of collection shards changed.

When I create a collection an identifier for the shard and the replica will be added automatically? Can I turn this off somehow or is there a way to retrieve the corename of the collection shard on a specific server?

If not this means I can no longer access one shard of the collection through a HttpSolrServer in SolrJ because I can not know which ID a shard have on a server.

Some operations are impossible to do with the SolrCloud....e.g. iterating through and updating all documents of a collection with millions of documents because every shard needs to send all previous documents to the leader too when iterating. Even when I use the shards parameter to access only one specific shard all documents will be sent to the leader first before I get them.

So I need the possibility to access shards of collections directly with a HttpSolrServer.
Any ideas how I can do this? Maybe I just missed another possibility.


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