I've seen references to upping the packet limit that your servlet container
allows, but
I don't have the details offhand. It's possible that you're never even
getting to Solr,
looking at the solr log and seeing if anything gets there when you issue
that request
should help.


On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Pires, Guilherme

> Hello Everyone,
> I've been integrating Solr 4.1 into a Web GIS solution and it's working
> great.
> I have implemented JTS within Solr 4.1 and indexed thousands of WKT
> polygons provided by XML document genereated by a GE's GIS Core system.
> Everything seems to working out great.
> Now I have a feature where I want to query solr with
>  geo:intersects((POLYGON(...  with a polygon too big to send via xmlhttp
> object. I'm getting a http 505 error.
> 1.      Is there any other way of sending this huge string back to solr?
> (I've tried GET and POST)
> 2.      This polygon was the result of a previous query so, is there a
>  way of query inside a query? Something like ,...
> fq=geo:intersects(<another query.spatialfield_with_the_wkt_polygon) ?
> Thanks
> Guilherme

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