You could also do this outside Solr, in your client. If your query is 
surrounded by quotes, then strip away the quotes and make 
q=text_exact_field:your_unquoted_query. Probably better to do outside Solr in 
general keeping in mind the upgrade path.


On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Van Tassell, Kristian wrote:

> Thank you.
> So essentially I need to write a custom query parser (extending upon 
> something like the QParser)?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Upayavira [] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Matching an exact word
> Solr will only match on the terms as they are in the index. If it is stemmed 
> in the index, it will match that. If it isn't, it'll match that.
> All term matches are (by default at least) exact matches. Only with stemming 
> you are doing an exact match against the stemmed term.
> Therefore, there really is no way to do what you are looking for within Solr. 
> I'd suggest you'll need to do some parsing at your side and, if you find 
> quotes, do the query against a different field.
> Upayavira
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013, at 06:17 PM, Van Tassell, Kristian wrote:
>> I'm trying to match the word "created". Given that it is surrounded by 
>> quotes, I would expect an exact match to occur, but instead the entire 
>> stemming results show for words such as create, creates, created, etc.
>> q="created"&wt=xml&rows=1000&qf=text&defType=edismax
>> If I copy the text field to a new one that does not stem words, 
>> "text_exact" for example, I get the expected results:
>> q="created"&wt=xml&rows=1000&qf=text_exact&defType=edismax
>> I would like the decision whether to match exact or not to be 
>> determined by the quotes rather than the qf parameter (eg, not have to 
>> use it at all). What topic do I need to look into more to understand 
>> this? Thanks in advance!

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