Great Fergus,

You have really been working on this since the MeetUp in Oslo! Impressive how 
much you can do with little code.

Have you started thinking about UI widget support for query box, breadcrumb 
path, facets, paging controls etc? Are you going to budle in a particular UI 
widget framework? Plans for layout in general?

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS -
Solr Training -

17. feb. 2013 kl. 17:13 skrev Fergus McDowall <>:

> Jack
> That sounds entirely reasonable- yes, it probably would make sense.
> Fergus
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Jack Park <> wrote:
>> Hi Fergus,
>> Would it make sense to you to switch to the Apache 2 license so that
>> your project can "play nice" in the apache ecosystem?
>> Thanks
>> Jack
>> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Fergus McDowall
>> <> wrote:
>>> Erik
>>> Thanks for the great feedback. It fills me with joy to know that another
>>> human being has chosen to use Solrstrap
>>> 1) I have added a couple more CONST variables to the code to allow the
>>> implementer to specify the names of the hit body and hit title
>>> (re: exampledocs/*.xml)
>>> 2) In order to pass a full document to the hit-template you could simply
>> to
>>> this:
>>>    rs.append(hitTemplate({doc:[i]}));
>>> and then change the hit template so that it references each hit as "doc"
>>> and subfields thereof {{doc.somefield}}
>>>    <script id="hit-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
>>>    <div class="entry">
>>>    <b>{{doc.title}}</b><br>
>>>    {{doc.text}}
>>>    {{doc.metadata}}
>>>    </div>
>>>    </script>
>>> 3) As for the license- I take your ribbing in the spirit in which it was
>>> intended :) Seriously though- this is my first open source contribution,
>> so
>>> I haven't given licensing a lot of though. What would a more appropriate
>>> license be?
>>> Fergie
>>> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Erik Hatcher <
>>> wrote:
>>>> Fergie -
>>>> Nice!
>>>> I was able to get this working on a Solr 4.1 "example" instance
>> following
>>>> these steps:
>>>>  * Adjusting SERVERROOT in bootstrap/js/solrstrap.js to
>>>> http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select/
>>>>  * Changed line #38 in the same file to this:
>>>>            rs.append(hitTemplate({title:[i].name,
>>>> text:[i].text}));
>>>> Just changing ".title" to ".name" since Solr's exampledocs/*.xml files
>> use
>>>> "name" not "title".
>>>> I like projects like this, making it really point and click easy to see
>>>> and work with Solr.  I'll just point out the important caveat that you
>>>> mention, that it's "Designed for "open" solr instances" and "needs clear
>>>> access to /select", as this is something easy to overlook at first
>>>> (beautiful) glance and think we can just go to production without taking
>>>> the necessary other steps to prevent Solr from being exposed directly.
>>>> This is a nice start to a fun way to get started with Solr.
>>>> A few questions:
>>>> What would it take to get the full document object passed into the hit
>>>> template?  And what would that hit template then look like?  (navigating
>>>> say a "doc" object in the template rather than each field being passed
>>>> explicitly)
>>>> Right now it's called from the above line of code (is hitTemplate()
>>>> mapping to the id="hit-template" in solrstramp.html part of handlebars
>>>> magic?  Or is this explicit somewhere?)
>>>> Here's the current hit template:
>>>>    <script id="hit-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
>>>>    <div class="entry">
>>>>    <b>{{title}}</b><br>
>>>>    {{text}}
>>>>    </div>
>>>>    </script>
>>>> And finally... GPL?! ewww, why?! (-1)  :)
>>>> Well played, Fergus!
>>>>        Erik
>>>> On Feb 17, 2013, at 05:35 , Fergus McDowall wrote:
>>>>> Solrstrap is a very basic Query-Result interface for Solr. Solrstrap
>> is
>>>> intended to be a starting point for those building web interfaces that
>> talk
>>>> to Solr, or a very lightweight admin tool for querying Solr in a
>> Googleish
>>>> fashion.
>>>>> Cool things about Solrstrap:
>>>>>   * Requires only local installation- easy to set up
>>>>>   * Access to all Bootstrap functionality. Can be easily extended in
>> a
>>>> Bootstrappy way.
>>>>>   * Blazing fast
>>>>>   * Uses less bandwidth
>>>>> Use it as you see fit. Merciless criticism and fawning praise equally
>>>> welcome.
>>>>> See
>>>>> and
>>>>> Fergus

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