We have a multicore setup with more that 200 cores . Some of the cores have
different schema based on the search type /language.

While trying to migrate to Master /Slave set up.

I see that we can specify the  Master /Slave properties in
solrcore.properties file . However does this have to done at a core level
.What are the options for defining this globally across the cores so that
when promoting a Slave to master  /vice versa ,i do not have to this for
each core.

I tried the following:

1) Added the properties as name value pairs in the solr.xml  - *But these
values are lost on Server Restart*
2) Tried defining the properties in  a single  file and tried to reference
to the same file for ever core at core creation with below command .*But
this is not picked up and not reflected in solr.xml*

to common properties file

3)Tried adding the solrcore,properties at the level of solr.xml  file ,but
this also doe not work

The last 2 methods if works ,i  guess would involve server restart for any
changes as opposed to core relaod

4) I do not want to share a same common InstanceDir as we
have different type of schema and this will add confusion to OPS team on
creating the cores.

So any pointers on how we can define the global solrcore.properties file


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