:  In the explain tag  (debugQuery=true)
: what does the *fieldWeight* value refer to?,

fieldWeight is just a label being put on the the product of the tf, idf, 
and fieldNorm for that term.  (I don't remember why it's refered to as the 
"fieldWeight" ... i think it may just be historical, since these are all 
factors of the "field query" (ie: "term query", as opposed to a "boolean 
query" across multiple fields)

: *1.0469098* is the product of tf, idf and fieldNorm,  for both the records.
: But field weight is different. I would like to know what is the field

what do you mean "field weight is different" ? ... in both of the examples 
you posted, the fieldWeight is 1.0469098 ?

Are you perhaps refering to the numbers "7" and "9" that appear inside the 
fieldWeight(...) label?  Those are just refering to the (internal) 
docids (just like in the "fieldNorm(...)")

:  1.0469098 =,
: *(MATCH) fieldWeight(title:updated in 7), *
: product of: 1.0 = tf(termFreq(title:updated)=1), 2.7917595 = idf(docFreq=2,
: maxDocs=18), 0.375 = fieldNorm(field=title, doc=7)
:  1.0469098 =,
: *(MATCH) fieldWeight(title:updated in 9), *
: product of: 1.0 = tf(termFreq(title:updated)=1), 2.7917595 = idf(docFreq=2,
: maxDocs=18), 0.375 = fieldNorm(field=title, doc=7)


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