On 3/2/2013 8:18 PM, adeelmahmood wrote:
I am not sure if I understand how the creating cores dynamically
functionality is supposed to work. From what I have sort of figured out is
that I need to specify the instanceDir as the path to a directory which
contains the conf file. So I have directory as template for configuration
files but when I use this path, solr adds the data directory next to this
template conf directory which defeats the purpose. I was hoping that it will
copy the template files into a new directory created for the core. Is that
not how its supposed to work.

In solr.xml, instanceDir is relative to solr.solr.home, which defaults to solr, relative to the current working directory. The solr.solr.home directory is where solr.xml lives. Inside instanceDir, solr looks in conf to find the config. The value for dataDir defaults to data, relative to instanceDir. I don't think instanceDir has a default value, but I could be wrong about that.

Here's what I use, with solr.solr.home set to /index/solr4:

<core loadOnStartup="true" instanceDir="cores/ncmain/" transient="false" name="ncmain" dataDir="../../data/ncmain"/>

This means that all config directories are under /index/solr4/cores and all index directories are under /index/solr4/data ... I can easily delete all the data without touching the configs.

For another installation where I'm using SolrCloud, it is set up a almost the same, but it's still separated because the active configs are in zookeeper, with a backup copy on the disk.


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