In that last example you're doing a wildcard query (java*), and by default that 
does not run (all of) the analysis chain you have defined.

If you need to expand synonyms for wildcarded terms like this, you'll need to 
define a "multiterm" analysis chain.  See here for more details: 


On Mar 5, 2013, at 07:39 , Carlos Alexandro Becker wrote:

> Hi Jack, I've updated the gist:
> I'm give you the wrong browser tab result yesterday, sorry.
> The schema seems right to me. I have a field name BoosterField, with the
> synonyms and etc enabled in its fieldtype...
> can't figure out what's wrong. :S
> Jack, thanks for your help.
> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Jack Krupansky <>wrote:
>> Where it says:
>> "querystring":"**DocumentContent:java",
>> "parsedquery":"(+((**DocumentContent:java DocumentContent:notare
>> DocumentContent:jre)~2/no_**coord) () () () () ())/no_coord",
>> That indicates that "java" was expanded to be equivalent to "java",
>> "notare", or "jre".
>> Are you sure you have documents that have "notare" or "jre" in the
>> DocumentContent field?
>> Suggestion: leave off the "DocumentContent:" field from the query since it
>> is included in the qf parameter.
>> -- Jack Krupansky
>> -----Original Message----- From: Carlos Alexandro Becker
>> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 4:09 PM
>> To: solr-user
>> Subject: Re: requestHandler ignoring synonyms
>> I've done this, but I'm not a specialist, so, I see nothing interesting.
>> The log is: 
>> Thanks.
>> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Jack Krupansky <>**
>> wrote:
>> You can simply test whether synonyms are being ignored or how they are
>>> being processed by using the Solr Admin UI Analysis page. Select the field
>>> and enter the text to test. It will show you exactly what the synonym
>>> filter does.
>>> Make sure the synonym file is exactly as specified in the token filter.
>>> If there are still problems, show us the field name, field type with
>>> analyzer, and the query response with &debugQuery=true. The parsed query
>>> string should have query-time synonyms expanded.
>>> -- Jack Krupansky
>>> -----Original Message----- From: Carlos Alexandro Becker
>>> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 2:16 PM
>>> To: solr-user
>>> Subject: requestHandler ignoring synonyms
>>> I have a request handler like this:
>>> <requestHandler name="/defaultSearch" class="solr.SearchHandler">
>>>   <!-- Adds filters to all queries-->
>>>   <lst name="appends">
>>>     <str name="fq">-DELETED:true</str>
>>>   </lst>
>>>   <lst name="defaults">
>>>     <!-- See 
>>> <http://****DisMaxQParserPlugin<>
>>>> -->
>>>     <str name="defType">edismax</str>
>>>     <str name="echoParams">explicit</****str>
>>>     <str name="df">text</str>
>>>     <!-- As dismax is used, 0.00 = is pure dismax , 1.00 = sum -->
>>>     <float name="tie">1.00</float>
>>>     <!-- Query Fields - Search fileds with its height -->
>>>     <str name="qf">
>>>       DocumentDisplayName^10 DocumentName^9
>>>       DocumentContent^5 DocumentDescription^3 DocumentTAGS^8
>>>     </str>
>>>     <!-- Phrase Field - frases fields used on quer as phrase >> "" -->
>>>     <str name="pf">
>>>       DocumentDisplayName^10 DocumentName^9
>>>       DocumentContent^5 DocumentDescription^3 DocumentTAGS^8
>>>     </str>
>>>     <!-- See 
>>> <http://****DisMaxQParserPlugin<>
>>>> -->
>>>     <str name="mm">
>>>       2&lt;-1 5&lt;-2 6&lt;90%
>>>     </str>
>>>     <!-- Phrase whitespace ignore -->
>>>     <int name="ps">10</int>
>>>   </lst>
>>> </requestHandler>
>>> but the synonyms and stopwords are ignored. If I use the default /select
>>> query it works just as expected.
>>> What can be wrong?
>>> --
>>> Atenciosamente,
>>> *Carlos Alexandro Becker*
>>>****about <**about><
>>>**about <>>
>> --
>> Atenciosamente,
>> *Carlos Alexandro Becker*
>>**about <>
> -- 
> Atenciosamente,
> *Carlos Alexandro Becker*

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