Much appreciated. Thank you.

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 3/5/2013 2:17 PM, JW West wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to set up Solr with a multi core configuration but I'm running
>> into troubles starting using start.jar.
>> Specifically, running java -jar start.jar inside of the example directory
>> works fine. However, I've created a new directory some place else with the
>> following:
>> solr.xml
>> core0/conf/schema.xml
>> core0/conf/solrconfig.xml
>> core1/conf/schema.xml
>> core1/conf/solrconfig.xml
>> When I run java -Dsolr.solr.home=$(my-project-**dir) -jar $(brew --prefix
>> solr)/libexec/example/start.**jar I get the following error:
>> No XML configuration files specified in
>> start.config or command line.
>> at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main.**start(
>> at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main.**main(
> You have to be concerned with two directory locations for solr when using
> the included jetty.  One is jetty.home, which defaults to the current
> working directory, and the other is solr.solr.home, which tells Solr where
> solr.xml lives, and defaults to "./solr" if not supplied. You already seem
> to know about the latter, so I'll talk about the former first.
> Withing jetty.home, you need start.jar, the lib directory, which contains
> all the jetty jars and the servlet API jar, and a contexts directory, which
> contains an XML file describing the Solr servlet.  Here is an example of
> this file:
> With my example file, the solr.war will live in webapps under jetty.home,
> and it will be extracted to solr-webapp under jetty.home.
> It looks like you aren't even getting Solr to start, and i'm guessing the
> context xml file is missing.
> Once all that's figured out, Solr can start.  Solr will look in
> solr.solr.home to find solr.xml.  Inside solr.xml, the instanceDir setting
> for each core is relative to solr.solr.home, and that directory must
> contain a conf directory with the solrconfig and schema for that core.  You
> can also specify a dataDir, which is relative to instanceDir, and defaults
> to "data" if it is not supplied.  That directory will be created if it does
> not exist.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

James West
Software Engineer
(469) 733-7382

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