: Every doc returned has a score of 1.0 with the join.
: Without join I get scores between 0.40337953 and 0.40530312.

Saying you get scores w/o joining is an apples/oranges comparison -- w/o 
joining you have a completley differnet query matching differnet 

what the JoinQParser does is match on a *set* of documents based on 
from=to equivilence for documents that match on a nested query -- the 
scoring information from that nested query can't be carried over, because 
there is no garuntee of a 1-to-1 matching.

The best way to understand this is porbably with the explanation on the 


>> For people who are used to SQL, it's important to note that Joins in 
>> Solr are not really equivalent to SQL Joins because no information 
>> about the table being joined "from" is carried forward into the final 
>> result. A more appropriate SQL analogy would be an "inner query"

if you truely have a 1-to-1 mapping where you want to map the scores over, 
then things would be much faster if you indexed your documents with that 
1-to-1 mapping flattened.


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