On 3/13/2013 8:39 AM, Guy Dobson wrote:
Is there a way to put the Velocity pages in /srv/www alongside of /htdocs and 
and tell it to look in /opt/solr-4.1.0/... to find my Solr index
so that we don't have to open port 8983 on the firewall

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The velocity templates that come with Solr (the /browse handler) require that the user's browser contact Solr directly. Solr has no security, so any user that can contact Solr directly can see how your index is structured, update your index with invalid data, delete your index, or send denial of service queries. By putting a proxy front end in front of it, you can make that less of a problem, but it is *strongly* recommended that you do not make Solr directly available to the end user at all.

Because of this, the /browse handler in Solr was never intended for production use. It is a prototyping tool that shows off what Solr can do. You will need to either find an existing front-end for Solr or use one of the fine Solr programming APIs (available in multiple languages) to write one yourself.


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