I don't have an answer but I have seen this before too. I assumed this is an 
issue with the admin UI. In my case the number returned by the query looked 
closer to the truth than the one in the UI. I even tried an hard commit and 
optimize via admin UI. It didn't help. 

If you want to try hard commits, they can be done either via configuration in 
solrconfig.xml (specify a frequency) or solrj API or /update URL. All of these 
are explained here:



On Mar 14, 2013, at 9:48 PM, Nathan Findley <nat...@zenlok.com> wrote:

> On my solr 4 setup a query returns a higher "NumFound" value during a *:* 
> query than the "Num Docs" value reported on the statistics page of 
> collection1. Why is that? My data is split across 3 data import handlers 
> where each handler has the same type of data but the ids are guaranteed to be 
> different.
> Are some of my documents not hard commited? If so, how do I hard commit. 
> Otherwise, why are these numbers different?
> -- 
> Zenlok株式会社

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