: is there any way, if i can get term vector information of specific word : only, like i can pass the word, and it will just return term position and : frequency for that word only? : : and also if i can pass the position e.g. startPosition=5 and endPosition=10; : then it will return terms, positions and frequency of words which are there : occurred inbeween start and end postion.
I don't think either of these are available out of hte box, but you could probably modify the code in TermVectoryComponent that iterates over terms to filter what it adds to the response based on explicitly bassed in "term" "startPos" and "endPos" params. It would not only cut down on the total data being returned, but since you can do a seek on a TermsEnum limiting that way should speed up hte processing as well. i don't think you can seek on term positions however, so you'd still have to iterate over all the positions until you found the startPos, but bailing out once you reach the endPos may save some time as well. If you do go this route, by all means please submit a patch in jira, it could be handy for other TVC users... https://wiki.apache.org/solr/HowToContribute https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR -Hoss