On 3/27/2013 12:34 PM, Walter Underwood wrote:
What do people do for updating, say from 4.1 to 4.2.1, on a live cluster?

I need to help our release engineering team create the Jenkins scripts for 

Aside from replacing the .war file and restarting your container, there hopefully won't be anything additional required.

The subject says SolrCloud, so your config(s) should be in zookeeper. It would generally be a good idea to update luceneMatchVersion to LUCENE_42 in the config(s), unless you happen to know that you're relying on behavior from the old version that changed in the new version.

I also make a point of deleting the old extracted version of the .war before restarting, just to be sure there won't be any problems. In theory a servlet container should be able to handle this without intervention, but I don't like taking the chance.


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