I’m still a little fuzzy on DocValues (maybe because I’m still grappling with 
how it does or doesn’t still relate to “Column Stride Fields”), so can anybody 
clue me in as to how useful DocValues is/are?

Are DocValues simply an alternative to “stored fields”?

If so, and if DocValues are so great, why aren’t we just switching Solr over to 
DocValues under the hood for all fields?

And if there are “issues” with DocValues that would make such a complete 
switchover less than absolutely desired, what are those issues?

In short, when should a user use DocValues over stored fields, and vice versa?

As things stand, all we’ve done is make Solr more confusing than it was before, 
without improving its OOBE. OOBE should be job one in Solr.


P.S., And if I actually want to do Column Stride Fields, is there a way to do 

-- Jack Krupansky

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