On 4/3/2013 1:48 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I have been dragging the same solrconfig.xml from Solr 3.x to 4.0 to
> 4.1, with no customization (bad, bad me!). I'm now looking into
> customizing it and I see that the Solr 4.1 solrconfig.xml is much
> simpler and shorter. Is this simply because many of the examples have
> been removed?
> In particular, I notice that there is no mention of
> maxWarmingSearchers in the Solr 4.1 solrconfig.xml. I assume that I
> can simply add it in, are there any other critical config options that
> are missing that I should be looking into as well? Would I be better
> off using the old Solr 3.x solrconfig.xml in Solr 4.1 as it contains
> so many examples?

In situations where I don't want to change the default value, I prefer
to leave config elements out of the solrconfig.  It makes the config
smaller, and it also makes it so that I will automatically see benefits
from the default changing in new versions.

In the case of maxWarmingSearchers, I would hope that you have your
system set up so that you would never need more than 1 warming searcher
at a time.  If you do a commit while a previous commit is still warming,
Solr will try to create a second warming searcher.

I went poking in the code, and it seems that maxWarmingSearchers
defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE.  I'm not sure whether this is a bad
default or not.  It does mean that a pathological setup without
maxWarmingSearchers in the config will probably blow up with an
OutOfMemory exception, but is that better or worse than commits that
don't make new documents searchable?  I can see arguments either way.


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