hi all

I wanted to know how can I generate spell suggestion for more than one word
query my suggestions are working well for single word correction but when I
pass more then one word query and any one of them is correct and other is
wrong spelled the sentence is showns as correct and the results appears
based on the correctly spelled word rather than suggesting correction to
the word out of them which is wrongly spelled. for example I query for
q=microwave ovan  in this ovan is miss spelled and must be given suggestion
but rather than giving suggestion for ovan as oven solr is stating that the
sentence is correct and showing results based on microwave which is indeed
correct word but complete sentence is not correct as whole...since ovan is
misspelled....it should rather provide suggestion and when I query for
q=ovan separately it gives corrected suggestion for it as oven.....so
sugestion is working fine  how can I use it for complete sentence not just
word? help please


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