On Mon, Apr 8, 2013, at 02:51 PM, Michael Long wrote:
> On 04/08/2013 09:41 AM, Upayavira wrote:
> > How many documents do you have? How big are the files on disk?
> 2,795,601 and the index dir is 50G
> >
> > Note it says "segments per tier", you may have multiple tiers at play
> > meaning you can have more than ten segments.
> How do I determine how many tiers it has?

> > There's also, I believe, properties that define the maximum size on disk
> > for a segment and the like that can prevent merges from happening.
> I just have the defaults...nothing explicitly set

What issue are you trying to solve here? Generally, the tiered merge
policy works well, and if searches perform well, then having a
reasonable number of segments needn't cause you any issues.

Indeed, with larger indexes, having too few segments can cause issues as
merging can require copying large segments, which can be time-consuming.


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