Thanks Toke,

Seems to be exactly what I try to do.



Le 08/04/2013 20:02, Toke Eskildsen a écrit :
It-forum []:
In exemple I have a product A this product is compatible with a Product
B version 1, 5, 6.
How can I index values like :
compatible_engine : [productB,ProductZ]
    version_compatible : [1,5,6],[45,85,96]
Index them as

compatible_engine: productB/1
compatible_engine: productB/5
compatible_engine: productB/6
compatible_engine: productZ/45
compatible_engine: productZ/85
compatible_engine: productZ/96

in a StrField (so that it is not tokenized).

After indexing how to search into ?
compatible_engine:productZ/85 to get all products compatible with productZ, 
version 85
compatible_engine:productZ* to get all products compatible with any version of 

- Toke Eskildsen

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