If it isn't obvious, I'm glad to help test a patch for this. We can run a 
simulated production load in dev and report to our metrics server.


On Apr 8, 2013, at 1:07 PM, Walter Underwood wrote:

> That approach sounds great. --wunder
> On Apr 7, 2013, at 9:40 AM, Alan Woodward wrote:
>> I've been thinking about how to improve this reporting, especially now that 
>> metrics-3 (which removes all of the funky thread issues we ran into last 
>> time I tried to add it to Solr) is close to release.  I think we could go 
>> about it as follows:
>> * refactor the existing JMX reporting to use metrics-3.  This would mean 
>> replacing the SolrCore.infoRegistry map with a MetricsRegistry, and adding a 
>> JmxReporter, keeping the existing config logic to determine which JMX server 
>> to use.  PluginInfoHandler and SolrMBeanInfoHandler translate the metrics-3 
>> data back into SolrMBean format to keep the reporting backwards-compatible.  
>> This seems like a lot of work for no visible benefit, but…
>> * we can then add the ability to define other metrics reporters in 
>> solrconfig.xml.  There are already reporters for Ganglia and Graphite - you 
>> just add then to the Solr lib/ directory, configure them in solrconfig, and 
>> voila - Solr can be monitored using the same devops tools you use to monitor 
>> everything else.
>> Does this sound sane?
>> Alan Woodward
>> www.flax.co.uk
>> On 6 Apr 2013, at 20:49, Walter Underwood wrote:
>>> Wow, that really doesn't help at all, since these seem to only be reported 
>>> in the stats page. 
>>> I don't need another non-standard app-specific set of metrics, especially 
>>> one that needs polling. I need metrics delivered to the common system that 
>>> we use for all our servers.
>>> This is also why SPM is not useful for us, sorry Otis.
>>> Also, there is no time period on these stats. How do you graph the 95th 
>>> percentile? I know there was a lot of work on these, but they seem really 
>>> useless to me. I'm picky about metrics, working at Netflix does that to you.
>>> wunder
>>> On Apr 3, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Walter Underwood wrote:
>>>> In the Jira, but not in the docs. 
>>>> It would be nice to have VM stats like GC, too, so we can have common 
>>>> monitoring and alerting on all our services.
>>>> wunder
>>>> On Apr 3, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
>>>>> It's there! :)
>>>>> http://search-lucene.com/?q=percentile&fc_project=Solr&fc_type=issue
>>>>> Otis
>>>>> --
>>>>> Solr & ElasticSearch Support
>>>>> http://sematext.com/
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Walter Underwood <wun...@wunderwood.org> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> That sounds great. I'll check out the bug, I didn't see anything in the 
>>>>>> docs about this. And if I can't find it with a search engine, it 
>>>>>> probably isn't there.  --wunder
>>>>>> On Apr 3, 2013, at 6:39 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>>>>>>> On 3/29/2013 12:07 PM, Walter Underwood wrote:
>>>>>>>> What are folks using for this?
>>>>>>> I don't know that this really answers your question, but Solr 4.1 and
>>>>>>> later includes a big chunk of codahale metrics internally for request
>>>>>>> handler statistics - see SOLR-1972.  First we tried including the jar
>>>>>>> and using the API, but that created thread leak problems, so the source
>>>>>>> code was added.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Shawn
> --
> Walter Underwood
> wun...@wunderwood.org

Walter Underwood

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