Hi Marc;

Could I learn your index size and what is your performance measure as query
per second?

2013/4/11 Marc Des Garets <marc.desgar...@192.com>

> Big heap because very large number of requests with more than 60 indexes
> and hundreds of million of documents (all indexes together). My problem
> is with solr 4.1. All is perfect with 3.5. I have 0.05 sec GCs every 1
> or 2mn and 20Gb of the heap is used.
> With the 4.1 indexes it uses 30Gb-33Gb, the survivor space is all weird
> (it changed the size capacity to 6Mb at some point) and I have 2 sec GCs
> every minute.
> There must be something that has changed in 4.1 compared to 3.5 to cause
> this behavior. It's the same requests, same schemas (excepted 4 fields
> changed from sint to tint) and same config.
> On 04/10/2013 07:38 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> > On 4/10/2013 9:48 AM, Marc Des Garets wrote:
> >> The JVM behavior is now radically different and doesn't seem to make
> >> sense. I was using ConcMarkSweepGC. I am now trying the G1 collector.
> >>
> >> The perm gen went from 410Mb to 600Mb.
> >>
> >> The eden space usage is a lot bigger and the survivor space usage is
> >> 100% all the time.
> >>
> >> I don't really understand what is happening. GC behavior really doesn't
> >> seem right.
> >>
> >> My jvm settings:
> >> -d64 -server -Xms40g -Xmx40g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:NewRatio=1
> >> -XX:SurvivorRatio=3 -XX:PermSize=728m -XX:MaxPermSize=728m
> > As Otis has already asked, why do you have a 40GB heap?  The only way I
> > can imagine that you would actually NEED a heap that big is if your
> > index size is measured in hundreds of gigabytes.  If you really do need
> > a heap that big, you will probably need to go with a JVM like Zing.  I
> > don't know how much Zing costs, but they claim to be able to make any
> > heap size perform well under any load.  It is Linux-only.
> >
> > I was running into extreme problems with GC pauses with my own setup,
> > and that was only with an 8GB heap.  I was using the CMS collector and
> > NewRatio=1.  Switching to G1 didn't help at all - it might have even
> > made the problem worse.  I never did try the Zing JVM.
> >
> > After a lot of experimentation (which I will admit was not done very
> > methodically) I found JVM options that have reduced the GC pause problem
> > greatly.  Below is what I am using now on Solr 4.2.1 with a total
> > per-server index size of about 45GB.  This works properly on CentOS 6
> > with Oracle Java 7u17, UseLargePages may require special kernel tuning
> > on other operating systems:
> >
> > -Xmx6144M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75
> > -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled
> > -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+AggressiveOpts
> >
> > These options could probably use further tuning, but I haven't had time
> > for the kind of testing that will be required.
> >
> > If you decide to pay someone to make the problem going away instead:
> >
> > http://www.azulsystems.com/products/zing/whatisit
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Shawn
> >
> >
> >
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