I was looking for this msg the other day and couldn't find it offhand…

+1, please add this to JIRA so someone can look into it and it does not get 

- Mark

On Apr 11, 2013, at 11:17 AM, Otis Gospodnetic <otis.gospodne...@gmail.com> 

> Hi Umesh,
> The attachment didn't make it through.  Could you please add it to
> JIRA? http://wiki.apache.org/solr/HowToContribute
> Thanks,
> Otis
> --
> Solr & ElasticSearch Support
> http://sematext.com/
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 9:43 PM, Umesh Prasad <umesh.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Root caused the Issue to a Code Bug / Contract Violation  in SnapPuller in
>> solr 4.2.1 (impacts trunk as well) and Fixed by Patching the SnapPuller
>> locally.
>> fetchfilelist API expects indexversion to be specified as param.
>> So Call to Master should of be Form :
>> /solr/phcare/replication?command=filelist&gen=108213&wt=json&indexversion=1323961125908
>> Instead Slave Calls the Master as :
>> /solr/phcare/replication?command=filelist&gen=108213&wt=json
>> Code bug lies in SnapPuller.fetchFileList(long gen)  which gets called by
>> SnapPuller.fetchLatestIndex(final SolrCore core, boolean forceReplication)
>> The fix is pass along the version to fetchFileList and populate it.
>> A Patch is attached for trunk.
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Umesh Prasad
>> Search Engineer @ Flipkart : India's Online Megastore
>> -----
>> Empowering Consumers Find Products ..
>> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Umesh Prasad <umesh.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>  I am migrating from Solr 3.5.0 to Solr 4.2.1. And everything is running
>>> fine and set to go, except the master slave replication.
>>> We use master slave replication with multi cores ( 1 master, 10 slaves and
>>> 20 plus cores).
>>> My Configuration is :
>>> Master :  Solr 3.5.0,  Has existing index, and delta import running using
>>> DIH.
>>> Slave : Solr 4.2.1 ,  Has no startup index
>>> Apr 9, 2013 9:18:40 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
>>> INFO: [phcare] webapp= path=/replication
>>> params={command=fetchindex&_=1365522520521&wt=json} status=0 QTime=1
>>> Apr 9, 2013 9:18:40 PM org.apache.solr.handler.SnapPuller fetchLatestIndex
>>> INFO: Master's generation: 107876
>>> Apr 9, 2013 9:18:40 PM org.apache.solr.handler.SnapPuller fetchLatestIndex
>>> INFO: Slave's generation: 79248
>>> Apr 9, 2013 9:18:40 PM org.apache.solr.handler.SnapPuller fetchLatestIndex
>>> INFO: Starting replication process
>>> Apr 9, 2013 9:18:40 PM org.apache.solr.handler.SnapPuller fetchFileList
>>> SEVERE: No files to download for index generation: 107876
>>> Apr 9, 2013 9:18:40 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
>>> INFO: [phcare] webapp= path=/replication
>>> params={command=details&_=1365522520556&wt=json} status=0 QTime=7
>>> In Both Master and Slave The File list for replicable version is correct.
>>> on Slave
>>> {
>>> masterDetails: {
>>> indexSize: "4.31 MB",
>>> indexPath:
>>> "/var/lib/fk-w3-sherlock/cores/phcare/data/index.20130124235012",
>>> commits: [
>>> [
>>> "indexVersion",
>>> 1323961124638,
>>> "generation",
>>> 107856,
>>> "filelist",
>>> [
>>> "_45e1.tii",
>>> "_45e1.nrm",
>>> ......
>>> ON Master
>>> [
>>> "indexVersion",
>>> 1323961124638,
>>> "generation",
>>> 107856,
>>> "filelist",
>>> [
>>> "_45e1.tii",
>>> "_45e1.nrm",
>>> "_45e2_1.del",
>>> "_45e2.frq",
>>> "_45e1_3.del",
>>> "_45e1.tis",
>>> ..........
>>> Can someone help. Our whole Migration to Solr 4.2 is blocked on
>>> Replication issue.
>>> ---
>>> Thanks & Regards
>>> Umesh Prasad
>> --
>> ---
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Umesh Prasad

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