On Tue, Apr 2, 2013, at 12:21 AM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
> : I've subclassed SolrJettyTestBase, and added a test method (annotated
> : with @test). However, my test method is never called. I see the
> You got an immediate failure from the tests setup, because you don'th ave 
> assertions enabled in your JVM (the Lucene & Solr test frameworks both 
> require assertions enabled to run tests because so many important things 
> can't be sanity checked w/o them)...
> : Test class requires enabled assertions, enable globally (-ea) or for
> : Solr/Lucene subpackages only: com.odoko.ArgPostActionTest
> FYI: in addition to that txt being written to System.err, it would have 
> immediately been thrown as an Exception as well.   (see 
> TestRuleAssertionsRequired.java)

So, I've finally found time to get past the enable assertions thingie.
I've got that sorted. But my test still doesn't stop at breakpoints.

I've got this:

public class ArgPostActionTest extends SolrJettyTestBase {

  public static void beforeTest() throws Exception {
    createJetty(ExternalPaths.EXAMPLE_HOME, null, null);

  public void testArgPostAction() throws SolrServerException {
          assertEquals(response.getResults().getNumFound(), 1);

Neither of these methods get called when I execute the test. Any ideas
what's up?


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