Hey guys,

This sounds crazy, but does anyone see strange CSS/HTML in their Solr 4.2.x

Often I am finding entire CSS documents (likely from Solr's Admin) in my
jetty's stderrout log.


"2013-04-12 00:23:20.363:WARN:oejh.HttpGenerator:Ignoring extra content /**
 * @license RequireJS order 1.0.5 Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo
Foundation All Rights Reserved.
 * Available via the MIT or new BSD license.
 * see: http://github.com/jrburke/requirejs for details
/*jslint nomen: false, plusplus: false, strict: false */
/*global require: false, define: false, window: false, document: false,
  setTimeout: false */

//Specify that requirejs optimizer should wrap this code in a closure that
//maps the namespaced requirejs API to non-namespaced local variables.
/*requirejs namespace: true */

(function () {

    //Sadly necessary browser inference due to differences in the way
    //that browsers load and execute dynamically inserted javascript
    //and whether the script/cache method works when ordered execution is
    //desired. Currently, Gecko and Opera do not load/fire onload for
scripts with
    //type="script/cache" but they execute injected scripts in order
    //unless the 'async' flag is present.
    //However, this is all changing in latest browsers implementing HTML5
    //spec. With compliant browsers .async true by default, and
    //if false, then it will execute in order. Favor that test first for
    var testScript = typeof document !== "undefined" &&
                 typeof window !== "undefined" &&

        supportsInOrderExecution = testScript && (testScript.async ||
                               ((window.opera &&

Object.prototype.toString.call(window.opera) === "[object Opera]") ||
                               //If Firefox 2 does not have to be
supported, then
                               //a better check may be:
                               //('mozIsLocallyAvailable' in
                               ("MozAppearance" in


Due this, my logs are getting really huge, and sometimes it breaks my tail
-F commands on the logs, printing what looks like binary, so there is
possibly some other junk in my logs aside from CSS.

I am running Jetty 8.1.10 and Solr 4.2.1 (stable build).


Tim Vaillancourt

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