Does leaders may response search requests (I mean do they store indexes) at
when I run SolrCloud at first and after a time later?

2013/4/15 Jack Krupansky <>

> When the cluster is fully operational, yes. But if part of the cluster is
> down or split and unable to communicate, or leader election is in progress,
> the actual count of leaders will not be indicative of the number of shards.
> Leaders and shards are apples and oranges. If you take down a cluster, by
> definition it would have no leaders (because leaders are running code), but
> shards are the files in the index on disk that continue to exist even if
> the code is not running. So, in the extreme, the number of leaders can be
> zero while the number of shards is non-zero on disk.
> -- Jack Krupansky
> -----Original Message----- From: Furkan KAMACI
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 8:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: SolrCloud Leaders
> Does number of leaders at a SolrCloud is equal to number of shards?

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