I will use Nutch with map reduce to crawl huge data and use SolrCloud for
many users with high response time. Actually I wonder about performance
issues separating Zookeper cluster or using them for both Hbase and Solr.

2013/4/23 Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org>

> On 4/23/2013 1:46 PM, Furkan KAMACI wrote:
>> If I have a Zookeper Cluster for my Hbase Cluster already, can I use same
>> Zookeper cluster for my SolrCloud too?
> Yes, you can.  It is strongly recommended that you use a chroot with the
> zkHost parameter if you are sharing zookeeper.  It's a really good idea to
> use a chroot even if you're not sharing.  Here's an example zkHost
> parameter with a chroot of /mysolr.
> zoo1.example.com:2181,zoo2.example.com:2181,zoo3.example.com:2181/mysolr
> You only specify the chroot once at the end, not on every host entry. This
> information is also in the zookeeper documentation.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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