I think you're kinda missing the idea of index time boosting. The
semantic of this (as I remember Chris Hostetter explaining) is
"this document's content is more important than other document's

By doing an index-time boost that's the same for all your documents,
you're effectively doing nothing to the relative ranks of the results.

Not quite sure what Luke is doing here, but using &debugQuery=on
will give you the actual scores of the actual documents. And if you're
doing anything like wildcards or *:* queries, shortcuts are taken
that set the scores to 1.0.

If none of that helps, I'm out of my depth <G>..


On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:01 AM, Timothy Hill <timothy.d.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, all
> I have recently been attempting to apply index-time boosts to fields using
> the following syntax:
> <add>
> <doc>
> <field name="important_field" boost="5">bleah bleah bleah</field>
> <field name="standard_field" boost="2">content here</field>
> <field name="trivial_field">content here</field>
> </doc>
> <doc>
> <field name="important_field" boost="5">content here</field>
> <field name="standard_field" boost="2">bleah bleah bleah</field>
> <field name="trivial_field">content here</field>
> </doc>
> </add>
> The intention is that matches on important_field should be more important
> to score than matches on trivial_field (so that a search across all fields
> for the term 'content' would return the second document above the first),
> while still being able to use the standard query parser.
> Looking at output from Luke, however, all fields are reported as having a
> boost of 1.0.
> The following possibilities occur to me.
> (1) The entire index-time-boosting approach is misconceived
> (2) Luke is misreporting, because index-time boosting alters more
> fundamental aspects of scoring (tf-idf calculations, I suppose), and the
> index-time boost is thus invisible to it
> (3) Some combination of (1) and (2)
> Can anyone help illuminate the situation for me? Documentation for these
> questions seems patchy.
> Thanks,
> Tim

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