Dear Experts,

I have a requirement for the exact matches and applying alphabetical
sorting thereafter.

To illustrate, the results should be sorted in exact matches and all later

So, if there are 5 documents as below

title: trees

Doc 2
title: plum trees

Doc 3
title: Money Trees (Legendary Trees)

Doc 4
title: Cork Trees

Doc 5
title: Old Trees

Then, if user searches with query term as 'trees', the results should be in
following order:

Doc 1 trees - Highest Rank
Doc 4 Cork Trees - Alphabetical afterwards..
Doc 3 Money Trees (Legendary Trees)
Doc 5 Old Trees
Doc 2 plum trees

I can achieve the alphabetical sorting by adding the title sort
parameter, However,
Solr relevancy is higher for Doc 3 (due to matches in 2 terms and so
it arranges
Doc 3 above Doc 4, 5 and 2).
So, it looks like:

Doc 1 trees - Highest Rank
Doc 3 Money Trees (Legendary Trees)
Doc 4 Cork Trees - Alphabetical afterwards..
Doc 5 Old Trees
Doc 2 plum trees

Can you tell me an easy way to achieve this requirement please?

I'm using Solr 4.0 and the *title *field is defined as follows:

<fieldType name="text_wc" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100"
            <analyzer type="index">
                <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
                <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory"
stemEnglishPossessive="0" generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1"
catenateWords="1" catenateNumbers="1" catenateAll="1" splitOnCaseChange="1"
splitOnNumerics="0" preserveOriginal="1" />
                <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
            <analyzer type="query">
                <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
                <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory"
stemEnglishPossessive="0" generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1"
catenateWords="1" catenateNumbers="1" catenateAll="1" splitOnCaseChange="1"
splitOnNumerics="0" preserveOriginal="1" />
                <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>

Many Thanks in advance,

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