On 5/3/2013 9:28 AM, vicky desai wrote:
When a auto commit operation is fired I am getting the following logs
INFO: start
setting the openSearcher to false definetly gave me a lot of performance
improvement but was wondering if waitSearcher can also be set to false and
will that give me a performance raise too.
The openSearcher parameter changes what actually happens when you do a
hard commit, so using it can change your performance.
The "wait" parameters are for client software that does commits. The
idea is that if you don't want your client to wait for the commit to
finish, you use these options so that the commit API call will return
quickly and the server will finish the commit in the background. It
doesn't change what the commit does, it just allows the client to start
doing other things.
With auto commits, the client and the server are both Solr, and
everything is multi-threaded. The wait parameters have no meaning,
because there's no user software that has to wait. There would be no
performance gain from turning them off.
Side note: The waitFlush parameter was completely removed in Solr 4.0.