: I am using the Lucene FieldCache with SolrCloud and I have "insane" instances
: with messages like:

FWIW: I'm the one that named the result of these "sanity checks" 
"FieldCacheInsantity" and i have regretted it ever since -- a better label 
would have been "inconsistency"

: VALUEMISMATCH: Multiple distinct value objects for
: SegmentCoreReader(​owner=_11i(​4.2.1):C4493997/853637)+merchantid
: 'SegmentCoreReader(​owner=_11i(​4.2.1):C4493997/853637)'=>'merchantid',class
: All insane instances are for a field "merchantid" of type "int" used as facet
: and group field.

Interesting: it appears that the grouping code and the facet code are not 
being consistent in how they are building hte field cache, so you are 
getting two objects in the cache for each segment

I haven't checked if this happens much with the example configs, but if 
you could: please file a bug with the details of which Solr version you 
are using along with the schema fieldType & filed declarations for your 
merchantid field, along with the mbean stats output showing the field 
cache insanity after executing two queries like...


(that way we can rule out your custom SearchComponent as having a bug in 

: This insanity can have performance impact ?
: How can I fix it ?

the impact is just that more ram is being used them is probably strictly 
neccessary.  unless there is something unusual in your fieldType 
delcataion, i don't think there is an easy fix you can apply -- we need to 
fix the underlying code.


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