Hmmm, R. Muir did some work here:, note that it's 4.0 or
later. I haven't implemented this, but this is a common problem so if
you do dig into it and get it to work (warning, I haven't a clue) it'd
be a great contribution to the Wiki.


On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Rounak Jain <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using the Suggester component in Solr, and if I search for "iPhone 5"
> the suggestions never give me the same phrase, that is "iPhone 5." Is there
> any way to alter this behaviour to return "iPhone 5" as well?
> A backup option could be to always display what the user has entered in the
> UI, but I want it to be displayed *only *if there are results for it in
> Solr, which is only possible if Solr returns the term.
> Rounak

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