Hi guys, I'm working on a local search project, I wanna integrate spellchecker for the search.
So basically, my search engines is used to search local businesses. For example, user could search for "wall mart", here is a typo, I wanna spellchecker to give me Collation for "walmart". My problems are: 1. I use DirectSolrSpellChecker on my BusinessNameField and pass "wall mart" as phrase search, but I can't get collation from the spellchecker. 2. I tried not to pass phrase search, but pass q=Wall AND Mart to force a 100% match, but spellchecker can't give me collation also. I read the documents about spellchecker on Solr wiki, but it's very brief. I'm wondering is there any best practice of spellchecker, I believe it's widely used in the search, right? And I have another idea, I don't know whether it's valid or not. I want to apply spellchecker everything before doing the search, so that I could rely on the spellchecker to tell me whether my search could get result or not. Thanks Nicholas