I am writing test scenarios for Solr and SolrCloud. I know Solr has built-in test but I want to document it and give scenarios to test team.
Here is what I think: * Response time test with SolrMeter * When a query occurs does it occurs at log (this maybe extended what happens at log when what happens) * Query consistency (a test about stopping Solr nodes one by one while querying) * Exact Match Query test * LowerCase search test etc. etc. I want to prepare both analyzer tests, some high availability tests (killing members of Zookeeper ensemble etc.), stress tests etc. However I want to learn that are there anybody who has worked on test scenarios of Solr and SolrCloud? By the way is there any list of built-in tests of Solr at wiki or somewhere else so I can see that what is tested at Solr when I build it?