
I have been following http://wiki.apache.org/solr/HierarchicalFaceting
I have hierarchical data for facet . Some documents also have multiple hierarchy. like :
Doc#1 London > UK > 51.5
Doc#2 UK >54.0
Doc#3 Indiana > United States > 40.0, London >UK>51.5
Doc#4 United States > 39.7, Washington > United States > 38.8

what can be optimal schema for indexing this data so that i get following result by solr query : 1) i want to retrieve hierarchical data count by facet pivot query . ex: facet.pivot=country,state 2) I want Lat values wrt every document in query output.ex: Doc#3 40.0,51.5 . Doc#2 54.0 3) I get direct search query like country:"United states" . state :"Washington"

I think through this i am able to express my requirement along with data .
Please tell me how can i put data index and retreive through query .
I check out solution which you provided me about PathHierarchyTokenizerFactory. But along with hierarachy i have to put data with name State,district,lat,lon etc. So that i can also access direct query on fields.


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