Volume of data:
1 log insert every 30 seconds, queries done sporadically asynchronously every 
so often at a much lower frequency every few days

Also the majority of the requests are indeed going to be within a splice of 
time (typically hours or at most a few days)

Type of queries:
Keyword or termsearch
Search by guid (or id as known in the solr world)
Reserved or percolation queries to be executed when new data becomes available 
Search by dates as mentioned above


Sent from my iPhone

On May 28, 2013, at 4:25 PM, Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:

> : This is kind of the approach used by elastic search , if I'm not using 
> : solrcloud will I be able to use shard aliasing, also with this approach 
> : how would replication work, is it even needed?
> you haven't said much about hte volume of data you expect to deal with, 
> nor have you really explained what types of queries you intend to do -- 
> ie: you said you were intersted in a "rolling window of indexes
> around n days of data" but you never clarified why you think a 
> rolling window of indexes would be useful to you or how exactly you would 
> use it.
> The primary advantage of sharding by date is if you know that a large 
> percentage of your queries are only going to be within a small range of 
> time, and therefore you can optimize those requests to only hit the shards 
> neccessary to satisfy that small windo of time.
> if the majority of requests are going to be across your entire "n days" of 
> data, then date based sharding doesn't really help you -- you can just use 
> arbitrary (randomized) sharding using periodic deleteByQuery commands to 
> purge anything older then N days.  Query the whole collection by default, 
> and add a filter query if/when you want to restrict your search to only a 
> narrow date range of documents.
> this is the same general approach you would use on a non-distributed / 
> non-SolrCloud setup if you just had a single collection on a single master 
> replicated to some number of slaves for horizontal scaling.
> -Hoss

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