On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Hans-Peter Stricker

> Replacing the contents of solr-4.3.0\example\example-**
> DIH\solr\rss\conf\rss-data-**config.xml
> by
> <dataConfig>
>    <dataSource type="URLDataSource" />
>    <document>
>        <entity name="beautybooks88 " pk="link" url="http://beautybooks88.*
> *blogspot.com/feeds/posts/**default<http://beautybooks88.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default>"
> processor="**XPathEntityProcessor" forEach="/feed/entry" transformer="**
> DateFormatTransformer">
>                         <field column="source" xpath="/feed/title"
> commonField="true" />
>                         <field column="source-link"
> xpath="/feed/link[@rel='self']**/@href" commonField="true" />
>                         <field column="title" xpath="/feed/entry/title" />
>                         <field column="link" xpath="/feed/entry/link[@rel='
> **self']/@href" />
>                         <field column="description"
> xpath="/feed/entry/content" stripHTML="true"/>
>                         <field column="creator" xpath="/feed/entry/author"
> />
>                         <field column="item-subject"
> xpath="/feed/entry/category/@**term"/>
>                         <field column="date" xpath="/feed/entry/updated"
> dateTimeFormat="yyyy-MM-dd'T'**HH:mm:ss" />
>                 </entity>
>    </document>
> </dataConfig>
> and running the full dataimport from http://localhost:8983/solr/#/**
> rss/dataimport//dataimport<http://localhost:8983/solr/#/rss/dataimport//dataimport>results
>  in an error.
> 1) How could I have found the reason faster than I did - by looking into
> which log files,....?
DIH uses the same log file as solr. The name/location of the log file
depends on your logging configuration.

> 2) If you remove the first occurrence of /@href above, the import
> succeeds. (Note that the same pattern works for column "link".) What's the
> reason why?!!

I think there is a bug here. In my tests, xpath="/root/a/@y"
works, xpath="/root/a[@x='1']/@y" also works. But if you use them together
the one which is defined last returns null. I'll open an issue.

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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