Instead of "maxCollationTries=0", use a value greater than zero.  Zero means 
not to check if the collation will return hits.  1 means to test 1 possible 
combination against the index and return it only if it returns hits.  2 tries 
up to 2 possibilities, etc.  As you have "spellcheck.maxCollations=8", you'll 
probably want maxCollationTries at least that large.  Maybe 10-20 would be 
better.  Make it as low as possible to get generally good results, or as high 
as possible before the performance on a query with many misspelled words gets 
too bad.

Also, use a spellcheck.count greater than 2.  This is as many corrections per 
misspelled term you want it to consider.  If using DirectSolrSpellChecker, you 
can have it set low, 5-10 might be good.  If using IndexBased- or FileBased 
spell checkers, use at least 10.

Also, do not use "onlyMorePopular" unless you indeed want every term in the 
user's query to be replaced with higher-frequency terms (even correctly-spelled 
terms get replaced).  If you want it to suggest even for words that are in the 
dictionary, try "spellcheck.alternativeTermCount" instead.  Try setting it to 
about half of "spellcheck.count" (but at least 10 if using IndexBased- or 
FileBased spell checkers).

James Dyer
Ingram Content Group
(615) 213-4311

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Fellows [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Why do FQs make my spelling suggestions so slow?

I also have problems getting the solrspellchecker to utilise existing FQ
params correctly.
we have some fairly monster queries

eg :

I cannot seem to get our FQ parameters to be honored when generating
In essence i am getting collations that yield no results when the filter
query is applied.

We have items that are by default not shown when out of stock or
forthcoming. the user
can select whether to show these or not.

Is there something wrong with my query or perhaps my use case is not

Im using nested query and local params etc

Would very much appreciate some assistance on this one as 2days worth of
hacking, and pestering
people on IRC have not yet yeilded a solution for me. Im not even sure what
i am trying
is even possible! Some sort of clarification on this would really help!



On 29 May 2013 15:57, Andy Lester <> wrote:

> On May 29, 2013, at 9:46 AM, "Dyer, James" <>
> wrote:
> > Just an instanity check, I see I had misspelled "maxCollations" as
> "maxCollation" in my prior response.  When you tested with this set the
> same as "maxCollationTries", did you correct my spelling?
> Yes, definitely.
> Thanks for the ticket.  I am looking at the effects of turning on
> spellcheck.onlyMorePopular to true, which reduces the number of collations
> it seems to do, but doesn't affect the underlying question of "is the
> spellchecker doing FQs properly?"
> Thanks,
> Andy
> --
> Andy Lester => => => AIM:petdance

Nick Fellows
10 Greenland Street
United Kingdom
----------------------------------- (E)


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