Hi Shawn,
well, the user is "the world" and the servers have enough capacity.
So its nothing really to worry about.
OK, could raise timeout from standard 60 to 90, 120 or even 180 seconds.
Just wanted to know how other solr developer handle this.

The technical question, where is the difference between hitting
the stop button from the browser while a search is running and
the timeout of http connection in my container (in my case jetty)?

I guess the stop button from the browser will inform all parts involved
whereas the timeout just leaves an open end somewhere in the container (broken 

And the container has no way to simulate a "browser stop button" in case of a 
to get a sane termination?


Am 03.06.2013 16:20, schrieb Shawn Heisey:
> On 6/3/2013 2:39 AM, Bernd Fehling wrote:
>> How are you handling "killer queries" with solr?
>> While solr/lucene (currently 4.2.1) is trying to do its best I see sometimes 
>> stupid queries
>> in my logs, located with extremly long query time.
>> Example:
>> q=???????+and+??+and+???+and+????+and+???????+and+??????????
>> I even get hits for this (hits=34091309 status=0 QTime=88667).
>> But the jetty log says:
>> WARN:oejs.Response:Committed before 500 {msg=Datenübergabe unterbrochen
>>  (broken pipe),trace=org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException...
>> org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpGenerator.flushBuffer(HttpGenerator.java:838)|?...
>>  35 more|,code=500}
>> WARN:oejs.ServletHandler:/solr/base/select
>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Committed
>>         at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Response.resetBuffer(Response.java:1136)
>> Because I get hits and qtime the search is successful, right?
>> But jetty/http has already closed the connection and solr doesn't know about 
>> this?
>> How are you handling "killer queries", just ignoring?
>> Or something to tune (jetty config about timeout) or filter (query 
>> filtering)?
> As you might know, EofException happens when one end (usually the
> client) closes the TCP connection before the response is delivered.
> This is usually caused by explicitly setting timeouts, or by using a
> load balancer in front of Solr, because these will normally limit how
> long the response can take.  The timeout involved is probably 60 seconds
> in this case, and the query took nearly 90 seconds.
> It doesn't cause any *direct* problems for Solr, though the nasty
> exception that gets logged every time is annoying.  A query like that
> does use a lot of resources, so if the server doesn't have a lot of
> spare capacity, it can cause problems for everyone else.
> Assuming that this isn't happening due to bugs in your application, the
> only way to really handle this problem is to first locate the problem
> user and educate them.  If the problem continues and it's a viable
> option, you might need to ban that user from your system.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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