Your problem statement is fairly odd. You say
you've defined "object" as a stopword, but then
you want your query to return documents that
contain "object". By definition stopwords are
something that is considered irrelevant for searching
and are ignored.

So why not just take "object" out of your stopwords
file? Perhaps a separate stopwords file for that
particular field? Or just not use stopwords at all
for that field?


On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Vardhan Dharnidharka
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the standard edismax parser and my example query is as follows:
> {!edismax qf='object_description ' rows=10 start=0 mm=-40% v='object'}
> In this case, 'object' happens to be a stopword in the StopWordsFilter in my 
> datatype 'object_description'. Now, since 'object' is not indexed at all, the 
> query does not return any results. In an ideal case, I would want documents 
> containing the term 'object' to be returned.
> What is the best practice to achieve this? Index stop-words and re-query with 
> 'stopwords=false'. Or can this be done without re-querying?
> Thanks,
> Vardhan

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