: ./nutch crawl urls -dir myCrawl2 -solr http://localhost:8080 -depth 2 -topN
: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Not Found
: Not Found
: request: http://localhost:8080/select?q=id:[* TO
: *]&fl=id&rows=1&wt=javabin&version=2
: Other possibly helpful information:
: 1) The solr admin screen comes up fine in the browser.

At which URL does the Solr admin screen come up fine in your browser?

Best guess...

1) you have solr installed such that it uses the webcontext "/solr" but 
you gave the wrong url to nutch (ie: try "-solr 

2) you are using multiple collections, and you may need to configure nutch 
to know about which collection you are using (ie: try "-solr 

...if neither of those don't help, i would suggest you follow up with the 
nutch-user list, as the nutch community is probably in the best position 
to help you configure nutch to work with Solr and vice versa)


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