On 6/10/2013 2:32 AM, Sebastian Steinfeld wrote:
> Hi Shawn,
> thank you for your answer.
> I am using Oracle. This is the configuration I am using:
> ---------
> <dataSource 
> name="local" 
> driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" 
> url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE" 
> user="****" 
> password="****"
> batchSize="20000"
> />
> ------------
> There are 12GB free memory on the server I hope this is enough.
> I will test the import with 4GB vm memory.

I don't know how to ensure streaming results with Oracle.  It is likely
that someone here does, though.  The default for most JDBC drivers is to
buffer the entire SQL result.

> Do you know if the "autocommit" inside solrconfig.xml configuration works 
> when using the DIH with the url:
> /dataimport?command=full-import&clean=true&commit=true
> I read, that "commit=true" will only make one commit in the end of the import 
> and so "autocommit" won't work.

The autoCommit settings always work, but exactly what that means will
depend on what you want from autoCommit.  The autoCommit settings that
are in the example config will result in a hard commit every fifteen
seconds, but that commit will NOT open a new searcher, so the added
documents will not be visible in search results.  This is IMHO the best
way to go, although I would probably increase the interval to a minute
or five minutes.  You *DO* want these hard commits happening if you're
on Solr 4.x, to control the size of the updateLog.

If you want the index changes to become visible on a regular basis, then
uncomment and use the autoSoftCommit settings.  This defaults to once a
second, which I would probably increase, although that's up to you.  A
soft commit open a new searcher, so index changes become visible.


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