can you check with the indexversion command on both mater and slave?

pollInterval is set to 2 minutes. It is usually long . So you may need to
wait for 2 mins for the replication to kick in

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 3:21 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> we have a setup with multiple cores, loaded via DataImportHandlers.
> Works fine so far.
> Now we are trying to get the replication working (for one core so far).
> But the automated replication is never happening.
> Manually triggered replication works!
> Environment:
> Solr 4.1 (also tried with 4.3)
> App-Server JBoss 4.3.
> Java 1.6
> There are two JBoss instances running on different ports on the same box
> with their own solr.home directories.
> Configuration is done like described in the documentation:
> <requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler" >
>          <lst name="master">
>           <str name="enable">${de.der.pu.solr.master.enable:false}</str>
>           <str name="replicateAfter">startup</str>
>           <str name="replicateAfter">commit</str>
>           <str name="replicateAfter">optimize</str>
>           <str name="confFiles">stopwords.txt, solrconfig.xml</str>
>          </lst>
>          <lst name="slave">
>      <str name="enable">${de.der.pu.solr.slave.enable:false}</str>
>           <str
> name="masterUrl">http://localhost:30006/solr/${}</str>
>           <str name="pollInterfall">00:02:00</str>
>          </lst>
>   </requestHandler>
> Basically it looks all fine from the admin-pages.
> The polling from the slave is going on but nothing happens.
> We have tried to delete slave index completely and restart both servers.
> Reimportet the master data several times and so on..
> On the masters replication page I see:
> - replication enable: true
> - replicateAfter: commit, startup
> - confFiles: stopwords.txt, solrconfig.xml
> On slave side I see:
> -masters version 1370612995391  53   2.56 MB
> -master url:  http://localhost:30006/solr/contacts
> -poling enable: true
> And master settings like on master side...
> When I enter
> http://localhost:30006/solr/contacts/replication?command=details&wt=json
> &indent=true in the browser the response seems ok:
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "status":0,
>     "QTime":0},
>   "details":{
>     "indexSize":"2.56 MB",
> "indexPath":"D:\\usr\\local\\phx-unlimited\\jboss\\solr_cache\\test_pto_
> node1_solr\\contacts\\data\\index/",
>     "commits":[[
>         "indexVersion",1370612995391,
>         "generation",53,
>         "filelist",["_1r.fdt",
>           "_1r.fdx",
>           "_1r.fnm",
>           "_1r.nvd",
>           "_1r.nvm",
>           "",
>           "_1r_Lucene41_0.doc",
>           "_1r_Lucene41_0.pos",
>           "_1r_Lucene41_0.tim",
>           "_1r_Lucene41_0.tip",
>           "segments_1h"]]],
>     "isMaster":"true",
>     "isSlave":"false",
>     "indexVersion":1370612995391,
>     "generation":53,
>     "master":{
>       "confFiles":"stopwords.txt, solrconfig.xml",
>       "replicateAfter":["commit",
>         "startup"],
>       "replicationEnabled":"true",
>       "replicableVersion":1370612995391,
>       "replicableGeneration":53}},
>   "WARNING":"This response format is experimental.  It is likely to
> change in the future."}
> Any idea how we could go on?
> Regards
> Thomas

Noble Paul

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