On 6/12/2013 9:50 AM, adfel70 wrote:
> 1. To support partial updates, I must have all the fields stored (most of
> which I don't need stored)
> Wouldn't I suffer in query perforemnce if I store all  these fields?
> 2. Can you elaborate on the large fields issue?
> Why does it matter if the fields are large in the context of partial
> updates?
> One way or another, lucene will index the field..

Storing lots of fields does incur performance overhead due to the stored
fields compression that was added in Lucene/Solr 4.1.0.  The overhead
can be particularly bad for large fields.  You might be able to avoid
some of the problem for the query side by using the fl parameter, but I
could be wrong there, because I think that multiple fields can share the
same compressed block.  I'm not very familiar with the Lucene internals.

LUCENE-4995 will improve the situation when 4.4 comes out, but there is
still overhead.

Currently it is not possible to turn compression off.  For most typical
use cases, the compression speeds things up, but there are some
situations where it makes things worse.


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