Hi Aaron,

Are you talking about Securing Lucene Index ?

If so You can try using https://code.google.com/p/lucenetransform/.

Thanks and Regards
Vignesh Srinivasan

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Aaron Greenspan

> Hi,
> Some more unsolicited feedback since my last experience setting up Solr…
> I am concerned that having a duplicate copy of a large part of my database
> up on the internet at a guessable location, available for the world to see,
> is probably not such a good idea. So I went to look up the various methods
> available to secure Solr, and found that all of them are terrible, if
> recent documentation is even available, which it's often not. Most of the
> blog posts I found are from 2010, presumably long before the version I use
> was created.
> According to the Solr Security wiki (
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrSecurity), it looks like you can edit
> some XML files (if you can find them) in complex ways to turn on HTTP
> authentication, or you can restrict the IP that Solr runs on. Less clear is
> some way to change the default port number from 8983.
> The wiki itself is full of semi-useless information, which is pretty
> infuriating since it's supposed to be the best source. The XML edits seem
> to change for different versions of Solr. Statements like "standard Java
> web security can be added by tuning the container and the Solr web
> application configuration itself via web.xml" are not helpful to me. I
> don't know what "standard Java web security" is, nor am I inclined to trust
> it since "Java security" is already believed by many to be something of an
> oxymoron. I don't have any idea where the file web.xml is--the default Solr
> install is a nest of needlessly complex folders. (Is it the one at
> ~/example/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml?) At the end of the page,
> there is a reference to "server.xml", but according to my install there is
> no such file.
> Basically, instead of (or at least on top of) this giant mess, the web
> interface for Solr should prompt the user, before doing anything else, to
> set up an administrative username and password, which one should be able to
> optionally require for queries and/or updates. It's just common sense. If I
> remember correctly, Netscape Enterprise Server prompted you to do that a
> decade and a half ago, and the internet has gotten a lot less friendly
> since then. You should also be able to limit the IP addresses that Solr
> runs on through the web interface, and change the port if desired, (or
> add/remove/edit users and passwords).
> The web server should also log when someone signs into the administrative
> interface, and from what IP address. There's probably some way to do this
> through the "Logging/Level" tree, but it's not exactly clear to me.
> In the meantime, I found that the approach most likely to work, and least
> likely to take a week to implement, was just to use iptables to set up a
> firewall on port 8983. Contrary to what one post on StackExchange (voted
> -1) says, it works only if you do the ACCEPT rules (iptables -A INPUT -p
> tcp -s xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --dport 8983 -j ACCEPT) before the DROP all rule
> (iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8983 -j DROP). But either way, that's a
> pretty ridiculous solution. I don't know of any other server product that
> disregards security so willingly.
> Aaron
> Aaron Greenspan
> President & CEO
> Think Computer Corporation
> telephone +1 415 670 9350
> fax +1 415 373 3959
> e-mail aar...@thinkcomputer.com
> web http://www.thinkcomputer.com

Thanks and Regards
Vignesh Srinivasan

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