I use Solr 4.3.1 as SolrCloud. I know that I can define analyzer at schema.xml. Let's assume that I have specialized my analyzer for Turkish. However I want to have another analzyer too, i.e. for English. I have that fields at my schema: ... <field name="content" type="text_tr" stored="true" indexed="true"/> <field name="title" type="text_tr" stored="true" indexed="true"/> ...
I have a field type as text_tr that is combined for Turkish. I have another field type as text_en that is combined for Englished. I have another field at my schema as lang. lang holds the language of document as "en" or "tr". If I get a document that has a "lang" field holds "*tr*" I want that: ... <field name="content" type="*text_tr*" stored="true" indexed="true"/> <field name="title" type="*text_tr*" stored="true" indexed="true"/> ... If I get a document that has a "lang" field holds "*en*" I want that: ... <field name="content" type="*text_en*" stored="true" indexed="true"/> <field name="title" type="*text_en*" stored="true" indexed="true"/> ... I want dynamic types just for that fields other will be same. How can I do that properly at Solr? (UpdateRequestProcessor, ...?)