Recently upgraded to 4.3.1 but this problem has persisted for a while now ...

I'm using the following configuration when starting Jetty:

-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="/home/solr/ 83 %p"

If an OOM is triggered during Solr web app initialization (such as by
me lowering -Xmx to a value that is too low to initialize Solr with),
then the script gets called and does what I expect!

However, once the Solr webapp initializes and Solr is happily
responding to updates and queries. When an OOM occurs in this
situation, then the script doesn't actually get invoked! All I see is
the following in the stdout/stderr log of my process:

# java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
# -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="/home/solr/ 83 %p"
#   Executing /bin/sh -c "/home/solr/ 83 21358"...

The script doesn't actually get called!

So to recap, it works if an OOM occurs during initialization but once
Solr is running, the OOM killer doesn't fire correctly. This leads me
to believe my script is fine and there's something else going wrong.
Here's the script (pretty basic):

NOW=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M")
echo "Running OOM killer script for process $SOLR_PID for Solr on port
kill -9 $SOLR_PID
echo "Killed process $SOLR_PID"
exec /home/solr/solr-dg/ recover $SOLR_PORT &
echo "Restarted Solr on 89$SOLR_PORT after OOM"
) | tee oom_killer-89$SOLR_PORT-$NOW.log

Anyone see anything like this before? Suggestions on where to begin
tracking down this issue?


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