As a result of frequent java OOM exceptions, I try to investigate more into
the solr jvm memory heap usage.
Please correct me if I am mistaking, this is my understanding of usages for
the heap (per replica on a solr instance):
1. Buffers for indexing - bounded by ramBufferSize
2. Solr caches
3. Segment merge
4. Miscellaneous- buffers for Tlogs, servlet overhead etc.

Particularly I'm concerned by Solr caches and segment merges.
1. How much memory consuming (bytes per doc) are FilterCaches (bitDocSet)
and queryResultCaches (DocList)? I understand it is related to the skip
spaces between doc id's that match (so it's not saved as a bitmap). But
basically, is every id saved as a java int?
2. QueryResultMaxDocsCached - (for example = 100) means that any query
resulting in more than 100 docs will not be cached (at all) in the
queryResultCache? Or does it have to do with the documentCache?
3. DocumentCache - written on the wiki it should be greater than
max_results*concurrent_queries. Max result is just the num of rows
displayed (rows-start) param, right? Not the queryResultWindow.
4. LazyFieldLoading=true - when quering for id's only (fl=id) will this
cache be used? (on the expense of eviction of docs that were already loaded
with stored fields)
5. How large is the heap used by mergings? Assuming we have a merge of 10
segments of 500MB each (half inverted files - *.pos *.doc etc, half non
inverted files - *.fdt, *.tvd), how much heap should be left unused for
this merge?

Thanks in advance,

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